
Dr. Tony Evans
Senior Pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship
President of The Urban Alternative

"The greatest truth a Christian can discover is his new identity in Christ, and no group does a better job of helping believers understand and apply this truth than Exchanged Life Ministries. Their Grace Life Conferences provide the solid foundation that every saint needs to find victory and fruitfulness in his spiritual life."

Dr. Bill Gillham, Ed.D.
Founder and President of Gillham Ministries, Inc.

"I heartily recommend the ministry of Exchanged Life Ministries. Not only do they disciple people into true Christian victory to the glory of Jesus Christ, but their lives demonstrate that which they teach. I have known the leadership team for many years now and I commend them to you as dear brothers. I personally support Exchanged Life Minsitries with my prayers and offerings."

June Hunt
Hope For The Heart

"The first step to becoming a vibrant Christian is seeing sin and your need for the Savior. However, many Christians never take the next step. Only when you realize Christ’s continued presence in you and yield to His loving control will you be able to live life to its fullest. Exchanged Life Ministries clearly communicates how to live in the light of your identity in Christ and experience your oneness with Him."

Charles Stanley
Pastor of First Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia

"It is my pleasure to whole-heartedly commend to you the teaching and counseling of Exchanged Life Ministries. I, myself, my family and many of our church staff have experienced a greater freedom to live victoriously, in Christ, as a result of understanding the message of the 'Exchanged Life.'"